About Me
Curious with some daredevil tendencies.
Quitting a 10 year career in agriculture to pursue a new interest does draw some similarity in pushing the limits of the body in running a 70km ultramarathon as a regular guy who has never done a full 42km run.
A geneticist by training, that mostly tinkered in the lab, who wondered into the world of agricultural R&D. Carried out tasks as varied from performing data analysis of field experiments, studying the origin and importance of inanimate rocks, sand, silt and clay - the very thing allowed entire civilizations to be fed and built upon, to consulting stakeholders on the interaction of plants, climate, terrain, pests and diseases throughout the lifecycle of a plant.
While the novelty of it all satisfied inner curiosity, in time, novelty worn off, coupled with the slow R&D pace of a perennial crop - slowed personal growth and progress. Although I'm both grateful and appreciated the opportunities and career stability it provided, it was time to move on.
My journey as a self-study coder/programmer started early 2022, feel free to look around in projects and blog for the latest update!
Aspiring programmer currently exploring web development in its entirety (full-stack) including mobile app development.
Familiar with Javascript (primary), Python, Data Structures and Algorithms, Node.js/Express, HTML, CSS, React, React Native, SQL, MongoDB.
Likes dry/dad humour and enjoyer of puns, lots of puns.